

Generally speaking, I don't believe in censorship. However, I must admit that I've grown to adore those words used to censor dialogue on television. The creativity this process inspires is pretty impressive. These are my current favourites...

Mother hubbard/Mother tucker
Shut the front door
Forget you
Get the puck out (Canadian)

I find it pleasing to use these phrases partially because they have the propensity to further enrage, but most often they seem to lighten the mood. Regardless, they always make me keel over in laughter. HAHA.


Oh, Canada...

Today, I witnessed an achingly Canadian moment.

It's 7:18AM and I'm on the Skytrain traveling to work.

A man boards.
He pauses briefly and draws attention to a loonie lying on the floor.
The man sits down, but uncomfortably turns around to ensure the loonie he noticed earlier is still present.
After a few more awkward efforts to settle into his seat, he speaks.
He asks the man standing above the loonie if the coin belonged to him.
Unclaimed, the loonie flaunts its value through its worn exterior.
Commercial. Foot traffic floods in as this station is a major hub. 
As the early morning commuters disperse, the loonie does not reveal itself again. 

Oh, Canada. It's good to be home.