
Once My Flame, Twice My Burn

Insanity \in-ˈsa-nə-tē\: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
-Albert Einstein

Is there a limit to your love? A fierce loyalty, desire to love without barrier and disregard for convention in relationships has often left me reaching for my revolver. Perhaps this is an unfavourable approach? Although the many misguided theories I promote tout my greatest mistakes as my greatest accomplishments, I'm beginning to recognise the benefits of installing a limit. Wasted time, exhausted energy and expectations disappointed are all reflections that infuriate, but they must be essential. So where does this limit live? Consider the evolution that takes place under the guise of wasted time, all the wonderful ways to expend energy and all the disappointments that underwrite our delight.

Loving recklessly allows you to etch out new space in an old world. Unfolding yourself into this space is phenomenal. Where the air only expands in tandem with the bond. In time, a language is crafted and this native tongue is exclusive to the resident individuals. Lending your emotion begins to inherit heart. Igniting a fragment of yourself that somehow flows through a flue to alter what was your fact. Infallable? Friction is both physical and emotional. Emblazoned in fire. This space is found for few. And a flickering flame is sometimes best blown out? Forgiveness settles into cinder and maybe I still suffer from insanity.

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