
Raising the Crazy Quotient

I hit a low point last week as I began to appreciate the need for disgruntled employees to dismember their bosses. Additionally, I began to understand the many reasons for one to bear firearms in Walmart on Black Friday. The systems we operate within even rob us from our right to throw a tantrum!

As creatures of the modern world, our psychological stamina is tested on a daily basis. The average schmuck deals with injustice, incompetence and emotional injury so consistently that it often goes unoticed and the expectation is to absorb such offenses without reaction. How unatural! Of course, this excludes ruling bodies such as government, corporate, organised criminals, et al. It's like Goodfellas. You're best advised to keep our mouth shut in front of the bosses (where everyone's your boss) and provide the expected payment whether it be money or action.

The builder just foot you with an invoice that nearly doubles his quote?
Fuck you. Pay me.

Your doctor sees you at 11AM for your 9:45AM appointment?
Fuck you. Pay me.

And no new mobile phone for you, that bonus is only for new customers?
Fuck you. Pay me.

Living under such oppressive and imbalanced circumstances will inevitably foster ill will and may eventually charge individuals to rebel. Willfully or not, the resulting violence that exists within us all can brew, boil and bubble over as all erruptions do (in a natural, but most unacceptable way). So the freaks that go all Rambo in their work offices or local shopping centres suddenly don't seem too different from you or I. They simply did not absorb the bruise and battery we're all conditioned to accept everyday. We're all very close to going ballistic. It won't be all of us, but it could be any one of us.  

Last week I spent 1 hour travelling to an appointment on a train in the rain, but was refused as I was 8 minutes late. Okay, my fault. I repeated the journey the next morning, but was turned away again because it took 1.5 hours due to signal failure delays on the train. NOT MY FAULT! Over 2 hours spent, 2 days impacted, not a lick to show for it and a 3rd voyage pending? At that moment, I truly could have justified the use of firearms.

A bit of an extreme reaction?
Fuck you. You weren't there.

Thankfully, I'm not that crazy.
I'm also thankful to not be in jail:)

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