

While living abroad, I've become acutely aware of the obnoxious North American stereotype. I try my best to be as accommodating as possible in this foreign land, but feel somewhat hardened by my surroundings. Here are a few areas where my level of tolerance is now particularly low...

1. Que Jumping - Cut in front of me in a line and I'll scalp your first born

2. Friends - Being away from home has helped me to recognize and appreciate the people in my life that matter, but it's also exposed the few that really don't belong

3. Family - Not a guaranteed support network as I once thought (my mom's siblings pretend they don't have a mother - sick, sad and selfish)

4. Customer Service - It's not good. It doesn't make sense. And it never will.

5. Aggressive Women - There's a stereotype that Asian (ie. Indian) women are timid, shy and submissive, which prompts drunken English women to feel as though they can push us around. For example, an English woman once demanded money from an Asian friend simply because she saw her put money into her pocket.

I'm a pacifist, so I don't push back.

I do, however, get far more vocal when a bitch tries to test my patience.

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